Blogs – Employee Engagement

Whether it is a localised incident or national event, Polygon have the expertise to help customers affected by major flooding.

A storm surge can be one of the most damaging weather events that can take place, which can occur as a result of low and high pressure, leading to heavy rain, snow, flooding and even lightning. When a surge takes place, the damage management industry sees a sudden increase in the amount of weather related claims. Although a surge event may not be one of your greatest concerns right now, it is worth considering that a surge event can transpire at any time.

When dealing with a major flood event, it doesn’t just take skilled expertise from technicians attending policyholders’ properties; there is also a whole team delivering back office support, which can often make or break a situation. In today’s world, customers expect the highest level of customer service. At Polygon, we have developed a ‘Claims Handling Philosophy’ aimed at delivering excellent service on every claim, this is further adapted for our dedicated surge team to deliver exceptional service during a major flood. Their role is to be the guiding voice at the end of the phone during these devastating weather events.

Behind the scenes of surge: Q&A with Amar Randhawa

Over the course of the next few weeks, Polygon will be highlighting members of the dedicated surge team, so you can get to know the people that are working hard for you behind the scenes, to help support policyholders after a major weather event. For our next chapter in the surge Q&A series, meet Claims Handler, Amar Randhawa, who joined Polygon in 2014…

Explain your role and the part you play in the surge process

As a Claims Handler, my day job is to work in a customer specific team. All claims handlers work with set insurance partners to fulfill their own specific requirements. Since joining Polygon, I have been trained in all insurer requirements, which means when a surge event hits, I move into our dedicated surge team seamlessly.

The claims handlers who work in the surge team are the most experienced members of our team. Every morning we work together to plan the day as we understand the need to get things done. Part of my role is to be confident enough to review the plan throughout the day and decide if priorities need to change. It’s very important that we speak to every new customer within the first few hours of receiving their claim, especially during surge.

Explain what it’s like to work during a surge

Surge can be pressurised, hectic and fast-paced; but I really do enjoy it.  When an event happens, the day definitely goes a bit quicker. It’s certainly all hands on deck!

My top tips for working during surge when a new colleague joins us are:

  • Prioritise emails and incoming telephone calls, always!
  • Continue to work to our ‘Claims Handling Philosophy’. The philosophy is focused on achieving the key goals for all parties involved in the claim, so there are no delays.

Tell us one fact about the surge process that not many others will be aware of?

People may not be aware that we have a dedicated surge area in HQ, this allows us to work as the surge team to coordinate the management of claims. This is kept separate to BAU (business as usual) claims, so that both can be given the focus they require.

Any additional insights?

We find that customers are more understanding during the early stages of a surge. Although, they still deserve the highest standards of customer service throughout the entire claim, which is always our aim. Part of our training is based around walking in the customers’ shoes. In all claims, surge or not, we try to think about what we would expect for our parents or grandparents.  

We hope Amar’s Q&A has given you some real insight into the surge process. Tune in soon to meet the next Polygon surge team member…

Amar Randhawa - Claims Handler

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