News and Press releases

Car fire in parking garage prompts emergency response from Polygon DB


An automatic sprinkler system was activated in a parking garage in Hellerup, situated just north of Copenhagen in Denmark. A short time after, another automatic smoke alarm was activated in a store in the same building. Heavy smoke was discovered, and additional assistance was required immediately. Forty firefighters took control of the fire and Polygon Emergency Services were called in to assist.

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Massive floodings in southern Belgium


At the end of June, southern Belgium suffered massive floodings following severe rainstorms. Thousands of houses and buildings were destroyed or severely damaged. Civilians lost many of their belongings, but thanks to Polygon Belgium some of their most valuable objects could be recovered.

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Exciting scaffolding project in Germany


In 2013 the Siegerland motorway church was built next to the Bundesautobahn 45 in Germany. The church has always been open for prayers 24-hours a day, but recently the brilliant white exterior façade has suffered from environmental impacts. Over time there has also been damage to other areas, such as the edges of the towers. Today, eight years later, the church façade is to be renovated.

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Detective work solved radon challenge


What do you do when high radon values are measured and the explanations you believe in, are incorrect? Radon competence, combined with a building damage investigation, is what is required when the detective work begins once a radon leak has been identified.

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Supporting each other across the borders


The heavy rains and flooding experienced in Europe this summer, presented Polygon Switzerland with the opportunity to offer their customers new services, thanks to Polygon in the Netherlands.

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