Swimming Pool Leak Detection

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Swimming Pool Leak Detection

What we do

Swimming pools are growing in popularity around the UK and once the warmer, summer months arrive it’s common for homeowners to be uncovering the pool and taking a dip.

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However, a concern for many once the hot summer comes around, is discovering a swimming pool leak. There could be several reasons for the leak, but often it’s the result of freezing temperatures over the winter.

Polygon engineers use specialist techniques and state-of-the-art equipment to locate hidden swimming pool leaks, saving you time and money on leak detection and the overall repair job. Our technical expertise provides a cost-effective solution for resolving any swimming pool leak you may discover.

What to expect

Our qualified leak detection engineers conduct a series of tests to determine the scale and location of the problem. The team can carry out their work without causing damage to the swimming pool and, if necessary, will empty the pool of all water to take remedial action.

Polygon's comprehensive swimming pool leak detection service delivers fast and efficient results, to ensure your swimming pool can be used again, as quickly as possible.


Our pool is leaking! What do we do?

First, we need to determine the source of the leak. There are several potential sources including the main drain, the skimmer(overflow), the circulation outlet, the vacuum port, the filtration unit, the light fittings, the feed pipes or the actual structure of the pool.

It is unlikely you will be able to identify the source of the leak yourself, unless it is very evident like a puddle of water under the feed pipes. In most cases you will need a specialist pool leak detection company to conduct the inspection and make a recommendation.

We may have a leak, but could it simply be evaporation and/or condensation?

Everything from wind direction to water and air temperature play a part in the levels of evaporation and condensation. For example, an uncovered pool running hot when its cold outside will clearly have more evaporation than in warmer months. A covered pool will have a lot less evaporation due to less heat escape. In any case, it is highly unlikely you will see the water level drop significantly as a result of evaporation or condensation.

The water drops to a certain level then the rate of escape slows down – what is happening?

When the water level is more than one foot above the source of the leak, the water pressure will be greater. As it nears the source of the leak the pressure is less hence the reduction in rate of water loss. This is a clear sign you have a leak and you should consult a specialist pool leak detection company.

We have a problem with water loss, and it seems to stop at the light fitting.

This is quite common. The light housing has a rubber seal which can perish over time. Often it simply needs a clean or at worst a replacement seal installed.

Our Auto top up seems to be on constant – what do we do?

Turn off for the auto top up and monitor where the water level stops. This should give you an indication of the source of the leak. If the water drops below the light, then there may be a leak in the drain at the bottom the pool. If the pool is losing more water while the pump is running, the leak is probably on the return or skimmer line side of the system.

We seem to lose more water when the pumps are on?

This usually is the first sign of damage to the pipework. Often the multi-port valve is faulty, and water is simply running to waste. You need to call an engineer to replace the multi-port valve

How do you go about finding swimming pool leaks?

There are several non-destructive solutions we can employ to find a leak before we must resort to emptying the pool or excavate the area. These techniques are both fast and accurate, saving owners valuable time and money.

One method is tracer gas. Used where leaks are difficult to locate, e.g. in long sections of pipeline, specialist gas is pressurised through the pipes and then detected above the ground as it escapes.

Using the principle of body-sound (noise), acoustic leak detection is used to accurately detect leaks through pipe mapping, pre-location and ground sound profiling, testing to a depth of three metres through most surfaces including concrete.

Do I have to empty the pool to find the leak?

Only as a last resort if we are unable to trace the leak through our non-destructive methods. And even then, we may suggest employing a specialist leak detection engineer with dive gear to inspect the pool.

There are lots of swimming pool maintenance and leak detection companies – why should we choose you?

There are lots of reasons to choose Polygon. First of all, we were the pioneers in leak detection and have over 20 years' experience. Secondly, we are truly the only nationwide provider in the UK. As a global leader in property damage control, we have an unrivalled combination of people, skills and technology to deliver you the right solution at the right time and at the right cost. We are Always By Your Side.

Case study: Our fast and effective leak detection goes swimmingly well for pool owner

When a customer noticed they were losing around 5cm of water from their concrete constructed pool every day, they called the original installer in to find the leak. The search was unsuccessful, so the installer called Polygon. As a first step Tracer gas was employed to measure the pressure of the water inlet and a pressure drop was noted. Further tests to other water feeds were conducted, with no drop in pressure indicated, suggesting that the water feeds were in order.

As a last resort the pool had to be emptied and inspections of the pool lights were undertaken. It became evident that the seal between the cable and flush box was deficient and water had penetrated the lights. After closer inspection it was clear that the light box was leaking. Remedial action was quickly undertaken by the installer.

To find out more about how we identify swimming pool leaks quickly, efficiently and cost effectively, call us today, email or use our handy live web chat service.

The Process

Initial Contact

The sooner that Polygon are approached to deal with a swimming pool leak, the quicker a solution can be provided. From initial contact Polygon’s leak detection technicians will work to find the source.


The first step in locating a leak is to measure the pressure of the water inlet, alongside further tests to other water feeds. Sometimes it may even be necessary for Polygon to inspect other pool elements, such as lighting.


Exposing the leak area is essential before the focus can turn to repair. Once we have confirmation of the leak source, the swimming pool installer can quickly take remedial action.


We always work closely and have consistent communication with our customers and their suppliers. By providing onward recommendations to repair the leak, we ensure little disruption, resulting in happy customers.

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