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Podcast: Job Talk with Polygon's South Team

Climatize a workspace hundreds of feet under a lake? Bruce Zawisky and Nick Cooper of Polygon South discuss recent projects with unique solutions. As weather shifts, innovation is more critical than ever. Polygon is trail-blazing new builds and renovations in the south.

Listen to the episode here.

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Working with a connection of general contractors, Polygon recently finished a precise hospital system for Children’s Healthcare in Atlanta. “Hospitals have a lot of strict guidelines, so we have to have open communication,” said Cooper, the Business Development Specialist in Atlanta. The team and general contractors had worked together previously, and collaboration came naturally. The south experiences extremes in all four seasons, “the focus was on high-quality, year-round climate control,” said Zawisky, Business Unit Manager of the south.

The administration wanted to track energy use across four buildings into an IoT system. The system would allow the hospital to track and streamline its regular energy use. Measuring is key to maintain standards and restrictions. According to Hospital Review, healthcare systems all over the country are working toward climate goals.

Sustainability is a crucial part of everything Polygon does. “We’re not going to over-engineer anything, and we’re not going to under-engineer. We want to make everything as sustainable as possible,” said Zawisky. That is true in the other project discussed. Climatizing a workspace. To make things even more complicated, the workspace sits hundreds of feet under a lake, and the design only had 24 sq. in. for the elements included.

Listen to all the episodes of Ideal Conditions. 

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Key Points

  • A technical and collaborative approach is needed for complex climate control projects in hospitals, an underwater tunnel, and a laboratory.
  • loT technology can be used to monitor temp and humidity to ensure construction projects remain in spec and in compliance
  • Polygon can apply technology to monitor and alert status of air handlers and house equipment

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