Case Studies & Projects

Remote Monitoring and Control, Temporary Climate Solutions, Document Recovery Solutions

Collaboration in remote monitoring of the KB collection

The KB, National Library of the Netherlands, collaborated with Polygon to improve collection preservation through innovative air quality and leak detection sensors. Polygon helped create emergency response plans for climate control failure, fire incidents, and water damage. These plans, designed for large-scale evacuations, were also successfully applied to smaller incidents, including a small fire, climate control issues, and roof leaks. The collaboration between KB, Polygon, and its subsidiary VANWAARDE ensured effective responses to these incidents, leading to a successful pilot project and further collaboration.

Document Recovery Solutions

Restoring Puerto Rican History after Hurricane Maria

The Archivo General de Puerto Rico (AGPR) is part of the Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña (ICP), the Government Agency responsible for researching, preserving, promoting, and disseminating Puerto Rican culture in its diversity and complexity. The Archivo General houses a vast collection of historical documents and items related to Puerto Rican heritage and culture. In 2017, Hurricane Maria devastated the region, causing damage to the roof of the building and eventually leading to problems with the integrity of the ceiling.

Document Recovery Solutions

Hurricane Sandy and the Financial Industry

Super Storm Sandy affected thousands of businesses on Wall Street and beyond. One particular financial firm faced potential damage to documents located in three sub-basements. For three days, materials were totally submerged.

Document Recovery Solutions

Restoring Chabad-Lubavitch priceless scripture

The Central Chabad Library is housed in the world headquarters of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement in Brooklyn, New York City. The library is home to 250,000 rare books, more than 100,000 letters, artifacts and pictures, and priceless scripture on Jewish topics that date back several hundred years. The library is in an area prone to heavy floods and storms, leaving the unique collection exposed to hazardous conditions and at risk of moisture damage. When disaster did hit, thankfully Polygon was able to come to the rescue.

Document Recovery Solutions

City of Stamford's 18th Century Books and Documents

When Lyda Ruijter was appointed City Clerk for the City of Stamford in Connecticut, she toured the city's buildings in pursuit of preservation. As the keeper of all records pertaining to Stamford and its residents, she knew she needed to take action when encountering a forgotten police precinct containing books, notes, and meeting minutes that tell the city’s 377-year-old story.

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