Construction Drying Solutions

Temporary Climate Solutions
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Polygon provides solutions that enable projects to stay on time and on budget. Polygon has designed temporary dehumidification equipment specifically for the construction environment for over 30 years. Rugged, compact, easily transported, energy-efficient and quick to set up, Polygon solutions for moisture problems are dependable and cost-efficient for every construction need.

Smart application of temporary equipment continuous monitoring, and active control reduces job-related risk and liability by effectively mitigating temperature-related issues.

Polygon offers vast knowledge, experience, and technical expertise in addressing problems caused by cold temperatures such as losses in productivity and product quality.

Cold temperatures can create havoc in the workplace – for example, processes can be delayed or even stopped completely; machinery and electrical switch stations are liable to failure and working conditions can become increasingly difficult for employees.

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We help contractors dry...

Drywall Mud, Paint, Finishes

Most construction schedules cannot tolerate waiting a day or two to apply a new layer of mud. To enable the drywall subcontractor to apply a new layer every day, the General Contractor must consider temperature, relative humidity and air-flow. Polygon engineers temporary systems that achieve dry times between 12 and 15 hours, maintaining or accelerating the job’s schedule via overnight dry-times.

Interior Hardwoods, Millwork

Interior finishes require being installed and maintained at their Standard Service Life Conditions (SSLC) for proper physical appearance and functionality. Hardwoods and millwork can warp, cup, and expand with minimal variances in conditions. Polygon engineers controlled systems that keep a consistent environment to preserve materials and avoid tear-out, reconstruction, and long delays.

Wood Framing and Mass Timber

All wood used a structure must be at or below a certain moisture content to be considered dry. At certain times in the year this can be achieved via ambient conditions and air movement. However, most climates and job schedules cannot simply ‘let the weather’ dry the wood materials. Schedule delays due to excess moisture in a wood frame can be difficult to recover from.  This will be multiplied exponentially in the event of mold forming. To help avoid these issues, Polygon provides custom dehumidification, heat systems and regular moisture mapping to prove to the materials are at specifications. For more on Mass Timber Structures, go here.

Concrete Slabs/Gypcrete

Flooring materials and adhesives have varying moisture tolerances, yet the vast majority of construction schedules are unable to achieve this relative humidity level in the slabs via ambient conditions. To help clients avoid costly vapor sealers and down time during application, Polygon engineers custom temporary dehumidification systems that remove moisture to hit the specifications.  This allows the General Contractor to install flooring under the manufacturer’s warranty, while simultaneously drying building materials in the rest of the space.


Benefits Of Using Polygon

• Drying concrete slabs versus using a concrete sealer provides significant cost savings per sqft

• Polygon provides moisture management to over 10 million sq ft of buildings per year

• Construction companies seek Polygon for future projects more than 80% of the time

• Polygon can help you earn LEED Credits

• Polygon’s ExactAire® is the most advanced system available for monitoring interior environments and temporary environmental control equipment throughout your construction project

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