Blog – Disaster Preparedness, Fire and Smoke Damage

Remember to Spring Ahead and Change Fire Alarm Batteries

Did you remember to set your clocks forward today? It is already that time of year, though it seems soon, and it is a good reminder to replace batteries in smoke and fire detectors. However, do not only change the batteries in alarms; test the alarms too to make sure they work.

Most fatal fires occur between the hours of 10:00 pm and 6:00 am: the hours when one is asleep. Those who are most at risk of being negatively affected by a fire are children and senior citizens. A working alarm can make the difference between getting out of a fire safely or not getting out at all.

Every household should have an emergency plan that includes what to do if there is a fire, two different exits in a home, and a portable disaster kit. Disaster kits should include flashlights, batteries, insurance information, and important contact numbers for those you may need to call.

Changing the battery in smoke and fire alarms at least once a year is one the best and easiest ways to prevent injuries and deaths that are fire-related. Another prevention measure to follow is to replace these alarms every ten years for new ones. A working alarm can cut the risk of dying in a home fire by 50%.

Learn more tips about protecting your home against a fire.

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