Blog – Disaster Preparedness

2010 Hurricane season preparedness

Once the April showers pass and the May flowers bloom, it’s time to get ready for hurricane season. Hurricane season lasts 5 solid months; beginning in June and lasting until the end of November. Before the season is upon us, the time to prepare for hurricanes it is now.

The 3 following tips will help you better prepare for the 2010 hurricane season:

  • Make a plan. Those who suffered the most during and after a hurricane were the least prepared. Develop a plan with your family that includes evacuation routes, lists of important phone numbers, what to do with family pets, and preparing emergency food and medical kits.
  • Protect your property against hurricane damage. Purchase hurricane shutters or boards for your windows. Plan for water to enter your home: move important or valuable items to an attic or the second level of a building.
  • Know how to recover after a hurricane. Even though they may feel eternal, storms eventually die-out. Know ahead of time what you are going to do to recover your home, business and personal items after the storm.

Act now to be hurricane-ready. Doing so will allow you to focus on keeping you and your family safe instead of having to push through grocery and hardware store crowds because you waited until the last minute.

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