Blog – Mold Damage, Water and Storm Damage

Baseball Team’s Stadium Suffers Water Damage

Miller Park flooded on June 19, 2009, causing water to spill into the stadium of the Milwaukee Brewers. The total dollar-amount of the losses is still being calculated. The lower level of the stadium became flooded after 6-feet of water accumulated on Miller Park Way during a storm.

Property damage to the stadium includes the areas of the concessionaires, property belonging to their custodial service, Johnson Controls, and the district. Almost 7,000 bobble-head dolls that were to be given away at Sunday’s game were all damaged. Fans will have to get this souvenir later, using a voucher that will be given away instead. Food items, paper products, and the electrical equipment were all affected by the rushing waters. While the food and paper products will have to be replaced, the electrical equipment has dried out and is in working condition. However, it is feared that the life of the equipment has been shortened because of premature rusting and wear-and-tear.

JSOnline reports that other items damaged within the lower level of the stadium include the drywall, carpeting, and two clubhouses. All of these items will have to be replaced to prevent mold damage.

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