Blog – Mold Damage, Temporary Climate Solutions

As People Move Out of Buildings, Mold Moves In

Across the nation, buildings are emptying out. People are staying home in order to promote their own safety as well as the safety of others. During this time, it’s important that building owners and facility managers take the steps necessary to protect their buildings while they are empty.

Exit People, Enter Mold

Vacant buildings can easily become the ideal place for mold infestations. Without people inside, it might make sense to shut off HVAC systems, close the blinds, and fulfill every expectation that comes with a closed building. While these steps might save money initially, they also expose the building to a host of mold-promoting factors.

Mold spores are everywhere. But unless they come into an environment that allows them to multiply, they tend to go unnoticed. Unfortunately, empty buildings create an environment that does indeed allow them to multiply. By closing shutters and blinds, rooms don’t have UV rays coming through the windows and killing mold spores. As a result, rooms that might not typically seem like a place that mold could grow become just that as soon as the building is vacant and shut down. In addition to a decrease in light waves coming through, there is also a host of issues that are a result of the HVAC system being shut down. Outdoor temperatures are increasing, so without the usual cool air pumping through a building, indoor temperatures will as well. In addition to warmer temperatures, a lack of air conditioning leads to increased humidity. That combination of warm temperatures and increased humidity is absolutely ideal for mold growth.

What you can do to stop mold

Luckily, there are steps you can take to prepare your building for a temporary vacancy. First, give it a thorough cleaning. Thoroughly cleaning carpet and wiping down surfaces can remove existing mold spores that can lead to a much bigger problem. You can also implement a temporary climate solution in parts of the building that are particularly vulnerable to mold infestation. Polygon’s engineered solutions remove moisture from the air and keep rooms cool so that mold cannot grow.

When things return to normal, and you can return to working in a building that has been vacant for an extended period, these tips should help keep mold spores from multiplying into a full-grown infest. If there happens to be mold in your space upon your return, Polygon and our partners also specialize in mold removal. We will treat your space, clean the mold-covered areas, and take steps to prevent mold from coming back.

To learn more about Polygon’s temporary climate solutions, contact us today.

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