Blog – Disaster Preparedness

Planning For a Storm Surge Evacuation

Property owners near storm surge zones know that having a proper emergency preparation and action plan is incredibly important during hurricane season. The following is some general advice given to those that may need to evacuate should a severe category storm come through and create a damaging surge near their home or office.

Have a mapped evacuation route to an adequately distant safe location. Locations may be family members, friends, a hotel, or a public shelter.

  • Designate an emergency meeting location that is a safe distance away but not too encumbered by the potential for traffic congestion.
  • If you have a family member that needs special assistance, contact emergency management services now to register that individual and get important evacuation information.
  • Prepare a family emergency evacuation kit that includes extra cash, prescription medication, pairs of glasses, water, flashlights, and any other item that you must have on a daily or every other day basis.
  • Plan for your pet too.
  • Follow evacuation orders given by state and local officials. This will alleviate chaos and ensure that time is not unnecessarily wasted.

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