Blog – Catastrophe Response

What is A Storm Surge?

One of the greatest causes of hurricane damage occurs as part of the initial storm surge that takes place. In fact, these surges typically result in the highest loss of life because of their suddenness and strength of force.

A storm surge is defined as the water that is pushed up toward the shoreline by the force of the hurricane winds swirling over the water and around the storm. This surge along with normal tides create a hurricane storm tide. This causes a rise in water levels that can result in severe floods along the coast. Towns and cities located very close to sea level and along a shallowly sloped coast line will be the most affected by storm surge damage. In contrast, a steeper shelf or a higher elevation blocks much of the surge’s strength.

Homes located in areas where a storm surge is likely to cause significant flooding should take proper precautions to plan for flood damage.

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