Water Damage Prevention

Remote Monitoring and Control
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Proactively protect your property with ExactAire® Leak Detection

Polygon ExactAire Leak Detection system helps contractors and property managers monitor for leaks in low-traffic or high-risk locations giving them visibility and control of their environment.

ExactAire is smart easy-to-deploy technology that serves as your eyes and ears when you or your team are not around - even after hours and on holidays. Active leak detection monitoring is a critical component to wet work programs that reduces and prevents loss during and after construction.

ExactAire Leak Detection sensor is a compact and self-powered unit that can easily be mounted on walls, floors, ceilings, or other locations. Our Multi Sensor unit can be equipped with a leak detection rope that can run through walls or along a perimeter. Data on water leak, acceleration, and door switch status is transited over long-range and low-power wireless connectivity by LoRaWAN enabling 24/7 alerts and data visualization.