Large loss

Our restoration services have been employed in every conceivable large-scale incident; including the clean-up post 9/11 at the Pentagon, the Louisiana Superdome post Hurricane Katrina, the after effects of the 2007 European floods and fire restoration following the 2005 Buncefield disaster in the UK.

Having successfully responded to thousands of major and complex losses over the past 25 years, we uniquely provide the skills, capacity, experience and expertise to quickly and cost effectively respond to any large scale incident.

  • Professionally qualified, highly experienced and dedicated Project Managers including a Chartered Insurance Practitioners’ Chartered Loss Adjuster and a qualified Risk Manager
  • A global emergency team supported by a dedicated contingency stock of 3,000 pieces of equipment
  • Over 70 years real world expertise and industry leading experience in deploying some of the largest and most complex humidity control equipment in the world
  • A bespoke, transparent service level and reporting structure supported by award winning technology
  • A wholly employed team of technicians trained to deliver the highest standards of technical competence and customer service.