Polygon Restoration FAQ Resource

At Polygon Restoration, our team of Leak Detection technicians are dedicated to helping our customers to quickly Find & Fix their leak. To help you do so, here is our extensive Frequently Asked Questions section which will equip you with everything you need to know about our innovative leak detection technologies and what to do in case of a leak.

Can you fix a leak when you find it?

Polygon Restoration offers a repair service. Once the leak has been identified the technician will determine whether the repair is something that we can conduct at the time of the visit. In the unlikely event we can...

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What is Leak detection?

Leak detection is the use of non-destructive techniques to help limit the need for expensive excavation, as well as subsequent repair and redecoration work. We can minimise water loss which means less damage to the ...

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What is Find & Fix?

This is a service Polygon Restoration offers. It includes all the aspects of Trace and Access but also includes fixing the leak which will often only take a day to complete.

What is non-destructive leak detection?

Non-destructive Leak Detection is where we use various pieces of equipment to pinpoint the area without damaging your property.

What is Trace and Access?

Polygon Restoration offers a unique Trace & Access service, guaranteeing to find the source of a leak without causing unnecessary destruction. Our skill set enables us to carry out the work quickly and cost effe...

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