Simple steps to help

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Simple steps to help

Restoration services from Polygon have been employed in every conceivable environment from private homes to large commercial properties, in both small and major disasters.

The knowledge base gained from the wide array of incidents ensures that every Polygon technician, regardless of location, has the expertise in dealing with the potential complexities of any restoration project.

Never assume that items with personal or sentimental value such as photographs, books, antiques and fine art cannot be restored. Polygon has many specialist restorers who can restore badly damaged items to their previous condition.


  • Keep valuable photographs and books as cool as possible. Remove excess water but do not attempt to dry the items.
  • If possible, place water-damaged books and papers in a freezer or refrigerator to slow down deterioration.


  • Restoration work takes time.
  • Make sure you are sufficiently insured.
  • Check experience and reputation before contracting a restoration company.
  • Objects with a personal or sentimental value that are moderately damaged by fire, such as antiques, art, photographs, etc. can often be restored.