Polygon responds as clean-up of Thailand floods commences

The 2011 monsoon season in Thailand has resulted in what has been described as “the worst flooding yet in terms of the amount of water and people affected”.

 Beginning in late July and continuing for over three months, the floods have caused a reported 602 deaths, affected over 2.3 million people, and caused damages estimated at US$5.1 billion USD.

Polygon was fast to respond, immediately deploying its Direct Reaction Team (DRT®) consisting of professionally qualified, highly experienced and dedicated Project Managers and technicians to work with local factory staff to stabilize a number of factory environments. Once stabilized, Polygon expects to begin work re-conditioning some of the technical equipment within the factories.

Lothar Brummel, Director of Large Losses commented “Polygon’s recent acquisition of VATRO means together we offer over 60 years experience in effectively managing complex environments such as the ones we have encountered in Thailand. Our team of experienced project managers is committed to working with local business and its staff to collaboratively and cost effectively return facilities and equipment back to pre-incident condition. Using leading edge technologies, we can quickly and efficiently restore manufacturing equipment to pre-incident condition, ensuring we deliver the highest standards of technical competence and significant cost savings for our customers.”

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