Helping the planet by restoring instead of replacing damaged items in the home

Plastic Surgeon, a Polygon-owned business, is the UK’s largest surface repair specialist. The company was recently featured in a blog by Zurich Insurance Group, a global leader in property, casualty, and life insurance products.

In the blog, Zurich highlights its commitment to reducing its impact on the planet and showcases the partnership with Plastic Surgeon as one way in which it is fulfilling its ambition to be one of the most responsible and impactful businesses in the world.

Policyholders are increasingly demanding more environmentally sustainable ways to manage claims, as well as making the process as simple as possible. Zurich highlights Plastic Surgeon’s sustainable damage management approach as one which addresses those wider policyholder demands, making them an attractive partner.

With skilled technicians employing state of the art technology to deliver a high-quality restoration process, repairs are carried out quickly at the home mitigating the delays, cost and environmental impact of replacement

As Zurich quotes “They (Plastic Surgeon) are so accomplished at what they do. They can tackle a multitude of services and colour-match the final look to perfection. So, whether something’s chipped, cracked or stained, they have the restorative solution to make it look as good as new.”

Read the article in full here:

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