Case studies – Temporary Climate Solutions

Calton Road Rail Bridge

Polygon Helps Keep Work on Track at Edinburgh Railway Hub

Constructed in 1896, the Calton Road rail bridge carries trains on their journey to and from Edinburgh’s Waverley station, one of Scotland’s primary transport hubs. In January 2022, Network Rail began a £1.7m project to repair and re-paint the bridge as part of work to enhance and protect the structure against the elements. Atmospheric conditions are crucial to the success of the painting process, with humidity and temperature both potentially jeopardising the successful completion of the job. If the resulting paint finish should fail a quality inspection, it could necessitate the entire task being repeated at great expense and causing huge disruption at this city centre location.

The contracting firm responsible for the re-painting engaged Polygon to deliver a climate-control solution that would not only maintain heat and humidity at acceptable levels for painting, but to do so in a sustainable, considerate way that would have limited impact on the local area and the environment. For Polygon, that meant acknowledging the restricted access at the site, which would remain partly in use by road users and pedestrians. It also meant employing climate-control equipment that would consume minimal energy and reduce the project’s carbon impact. The thorough nature of the planning meant that Polygon’s climate solution was delivered on schedule, providing the necessary platform for the re-painting work to be carried out under optimal conditions.

Polygon conducted a detailed assessment of the various parameters that would affect the painting process, compiling the data points and insights into an authoritative project plan. This was used to guide the specific heating and dehumidification activity required to maintain the stability of painting conditions at the bridge. The bespoke approach included the use of smaller, mobile heaters rather than box heaters, for example, to allow for manoeuvrability and flexibility without compromising on performance. The site also prevented the use of
three-phase power, but Polygon was able to secure the necessary heat using 110V supply.


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